Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Trading Card Game: Moe-A

Quick Description:
    Moe-A is a War-type card game, good for making decisions or just a quick game of fun.

    If you do download and use the cards, please comment about it.

This first download contains everything you need to play and more. It includes each individual card as well as some other extras.
This second download contains only the print-pages for the card game.

Number of cards: 61
Active: No
Type: Non-Collecting
Vintage: May 2010

Rules of Play:
    This particular game I ended up naming Moe-A, short for moe anthropomorphism... Straightforward enough I guess. Although I think I might've spelled it wrong in some places. Haha...

   Moe-A is played the same way as War. I usually start each player with 10 cards, and each player puts out one card at a time and the player with the more powerful card ends up taking both, and repeat. The person who runs out of cards loses.

   However there are extra rules. Obviously the little bars on the cards are the amount of power the card has, but each card has it's own attribute ranging between ground, water, flying, and spiritual. If one card has the stronger attribute, then it's attack power is doubled against the other card. I even put the attributes on the back of the cards for quick reference. Basic stuff.

    ground > water
    water > flying
    flying > ground
    spiritual < water / flying

   This particular card game wasn't really that popular, but I still enjoyed making it and showing it off. My one big regret is the font choice for the description on the cards... It gets very hard to read.

I ended up using one sheet for the back and front of the cards. I'm still unable to find a legit method of sticking two pieces of paper together. I used a card stock, so the cards are pretty sturdy and after I cut them out, I put them in individual card sleeves.
 This is just one of the total 7 sheets, not including the back. To get all of the sheets, simply go and download the zip file located at the top of the post in the downloads section.

    The presentation of Moe-A was a bit different from my other trading card games. Moe-A comes as a 61 card box, instead of handing out random packs of cards. This makes it feel more like using a deck of cards. I even created a little box which the cards fit into nicely for storage. You just print it out and seal it up with some glue.

This is the reference picture which includes all of the characters used in the cards. I found the picture how it is. I think the characters are from negima. Below that is the template I used for making the cards.


Last Comments:
 Hmm, no real last comments. This was a fun game. Although not as popular as some of my other card games, it's still very cute and easy to play. Make sure you comment!


  1. Please put a post with all of the cards on them so I can copy and past them and print them out! I tried clicking on the link on where to download them, but stupid ACTA, SOPA, whatever wouldn't let me. PLEEEASE!!! PLEASEPLEASE! D:

  2. Right, right. As I have said, I'll get these up onto my new blog come on over and post a comment there as summiko-san so I know you've made it.


All Images are copyright to their respective owners. All downloads from this site are for personal enjoyment only and should not be reproduced for any other means.